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HELPING YOU LIVE LIFE MORE BEAUTIFULLYHeadingBlepharoplasty is the surgical process of rejuvenating the eyelids. As we age, our eyelids gradually stretch and the muscles supporting them weaken. As a result, excess skin and fat can gather above and below the eyelids. This can cause sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids, and bags under the eyes. Dr. Quenby Erickson, a board-certified dermatologist, is a skilled provider of blepharoplasty in Chicago.

What is upper blepharoplasty?

During upper blepharoplasty, also called an upper eyelid lift, excess tissue is removed from the upper eyelids. This is achieved through an incision in the natural fold at the top of the eyelid.

Note that blepharoplasty surgery will not improve sagging eyebrows. A brow lift surgery is needed to improve this condition.

In the case of cosmetic concerns in the under-eye area, Dr. Erickson may recommend non-surgical treatment options to revitalize the lower eyelids.

Who is a good candidate for upper blepharoplasty?

The ideal candidate for blepharoplasty surgery is in good general health and can spend time away from work and regular activities during recovery. Patients often find that addressing skin laxity and wrinkles around the eyes can go a long way towards creating an overall more youthful facial appearance.

Sagging skin may also disturb the natural contour of the upper eyelid and reduce your peripheral vision. If you want to improve your appearance or are experiencing functional problems, you may be a candidate for blepharoplasty.

The consultation

A consultation for blepharoplasty surgery with Dr. Erickson is required beforehand. During the consultation, you will talk to Dr. Erickson about your goals for the procedure.

The doctor will review your complete medical history, including allergies, past procedures, current medications, and pre-existing health conditions. The doctor will also examine your facial anatomy and skin structure, and she may take photographs for reference.

How much does blepharoplasty cost?

The cost of blepharoplasty varies and is determined by each patient’s case details and procedure plan. Dr. Erickson will create a customized surgical plan during the consultation that will include price information.

What to Expect

During Surgery

At Erickson Dermatology, blepharoplasty of the upper lids will take about two hours to complete. Before the procedure, you will be given injections to numb your eyelids. Additional pain management options can also be provided to help you relax during surgery.

After numbing and when you are comfortable, Dr. Erickson will make an incision along the fold of the upper eyelid to remove excess skin. She will close the incision with tiny dissolving stitches. Post-surgery, staff members will monitor you until you are ready to leave the clinic.

Patients should plan a downtime of approximately seven days during recovery from blepharoplasty. You may temporarily experience blurred vision from the lubricating ointment applied to your eyes, so be sure to arrange for someone else to drive you home after your surgery. Wear sunglasses to protect your skin from sun exposure.

After Surgery

At home, use ice packs on your eyes on a schedule of 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off until you go to bed. Cold compresses will not be as effective after 24 hours. Use your prescribed eye drops or ointments. If needed, take acetaminophen to control pain.

Bruising and swelling will lessen in about 10 to 14 days. Scars from the surgical cuts may take months to fade. Plan to stay home from work and avoid strenuous activity until your eyelids heal. Patients can return to using contact lenses when incisions are healed and ointment is no longer needed.

For some people, surgery results will last a lifetime. For others, droopy eyelids may recur as your eyes will naturally age after the procedure.

learn moreSchedule Your Consultation

Dr. Erickson regularly performs blepharoplasty in Chicago and looks forward to meeting you during your consultation at Erickson Cosmetic Dermatology & Lifestyle Medicine. Contact our office to arrange your consultation.

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