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Why is everyone talking about Kybella? An Interview with Dr. Erickson

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We all know it -and fear it- the presence of fat on the upper neck or under the chin, commonly known as (the dreaded) double-chin. Pockets of fat can be genetic, and can form despite weight or healthy eating. This contributes to an older and heavier overall look, and nobody wants that!

Recently FDA-approved Kybella is a new way to treat it. Made up of a naturally-occurring molecule, the treatment consists of a series of small injections to destroy the fat cells and tighten the neck.

Why is everyone talking about Kybella?
It’s a really exciting time for the neck,” says Dr. Quenby Erickson, board-certified dermatologist. “Over the last 20 years, we’ve gotten really great at nonsurgical rejuvenation of the face… But you can always tell when a face has been treated and a neck hasn’t. People want to keep the neck looking as just good as the face, and with the new advances in technology we can – without surgery.”

What makes Kybella unique?
“We’ve never had a nonsurgical treatment for the sub-mental fat -aka double chin- before. It’s exciting because it’s an injectable, whereas before we had to resort to surgery. It’s a fantastic alternative to liposuction and neck lift surgery.”

Who is Kybella good for?
“Kybella can be great for anyone with sub-mental fullness who wants to improve the appearance of their jawline,” says Dr. Erickson. “It can result in a more youthful, slimmed-out look.”

Dr. Erickson explains that women can start to notice age-related changes in their neck as early as the 20’s and 30’s. These patients already tend to love the ever-popular Nefertiti Lift (Botox in the neck). “But they might be bothered by a little extra fat,” says Dr Erickson. “Now there’s an injectable for that, too.”

Dr. Erickson explains that men of various ages can benefit from Kybella “In fact, men love the result of a slimmer, more defined jawline.”

But if the fat is dissolved (essentially ’emptied out’) from a double chin, would that cause any loose skin?

“In general, we’re not appreciating a loose skin issue with Kybella. Of course, in the case that a patient comes in with predominantly more of a loose skin issue, we’d need to do some tightening,” says Dr. Erickson.

“But with Kybella, we’re actually seeing that there seems to be a retraction of the skin, that there is some neocollagenisis (new collagen formation). In many cases, the skin gets tighter.”

Double chins of the world beware!