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Restylane® & Restylane-L®

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HELPING YOU LIVE LIFE MORE BEAUTIFULLYHeadingRESTYLANE® and lidocaine-enhanced RESTYLANE-L® are Soft Tissue Fillers. RESTYLANE is a clear gel formulation of hyaluronic acid that is specifically formulated to act like your body’s own hyaluronic acid, adding volume and fullness to the skin. Dr. Quenby Erickson, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Erickson Cosmetic Dermatology & Lifestyle Medicine, is regarded as an expert provider of RESTYLANE in Chicago.

Who is a good candidate for RESTYLANE?

People who want to soften the look of fine lines and wrinkles, most commonly in the lower two-thirds of the face. RESTYLANE is an excellent choice for treating areas around the lips and underneath the eyes. RESTYLANE and RESTYLANE-L are also great for those who want an improvement in the look of their skin, but are not yet ready for (or do not wish to have) a surgical cosmetic procedure. RESTYLANE and RESTYLANE-L are often used in conjunction with other techniques like laser resurfacing, medical-grade facials, or neuromodulators to complement and enhance those results.

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What is a RESTYLANE treatment session like?

Your RESTYLANE treatment will take place in-office at Erickson Cosmetic Dermatology & Lifestyle Medicine in downtown Chicago in one of our private treatment rooms overlooking the city. First, the treatment site will be cleansed. Topical anesthesia will then be applied.

Dr. Erickson will wait 20-30 minutes for the anesthetic to take effect before removing it and cleansing the area with a surgical antiseptic. Next, she will perform your RESTYLANE injections using a fine gauge needle or via cannula, based on the artistic techniques needed to provide the most beautiful, natural-looking results.

The Consultation Process

A RESTYLANE consultation with Dr. Erickson is necessary before treatment. During this appointment, the doctor will ask you about your cosmetic concerns and goals and will examine your facial anatomy and dermal tissue density. She will review your medical history, including current medications and any prior cosmetic treatments.

If you are new to dermal fillers, this step is essential to ensure that your expectations are realistic and that RESTYLANE injections are the proper treatment for you.

What is the cost of RESTYLANE injections?

The individual needs of each patient affect the cost of their RESTYLANE treatment, so the price varies. Dr. Erickson will create a customized plan for treatment at your consultation that will include exact cost details.

What to Expect with RESTYLANE Treatment

Post-Treatment Expectations

There is no recovery period needed after a RESTYLANE treatment. Patients can continue the day’s activities immediately following treatment. Some light swelling or bruising may occur but should resolve within a few days.

Improvement is usually instantly noticeable, and RESTYLANE results typically last between three and six months.

Potential Risks

The active ingredient, hyaluronic acid, occurs naturally in skin tissue. Because of this, the filler is biocompatible, so allergic reactions to RESTYLANE are rare.

Though less common, there is a chance of minor bruising associated with any injectable. To lessen your chances of bruising, we recommend discontinuing use of products like Aspirin, Blood-Thinners, Fish-Oils, Alcohol, Aleve, and any aspirin-based products like Alka Seltzer for 2 weeks prior to your procedure. We do not treat patients who are pregnant or nursing.

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Contact Erickson Cosmetic Dermatology & Lifestyle Medicine today to schedule a consultation for RESTYLANE in Chicago. Dr. Erickson looks forward to meeting you and creating a personalized treatment plan for achieving your aesthetic goals.

Erickson Cosmetic Dermatology & Lifestyle Medicine is located across the street from Water Tower Place on the Mag Mile. For your convenience, discounted indoor parking (with validation) is available at the Olympia Centre Garage, which is located at 161 E. Chicago Ave.

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